When it comes to weight management, many people measure their results primarily by how much weight they have lost. But maintaining a healthy weight requires MUCH MORE than just looking at a number on the scale! In addition, most people will tell you it takes two things to manage weight; eat less, and move more. And while diet and exercise are important to every aspect of our health, managing your weight goes FAR beyond just those two things. And that’s where most weight management products fall short. Listen to Dr. Ryan Goodkin and Lisa Goodkin delve into this topic about managing weight loss the proper way. To learn more about how to get this affordable weight management product at member price, visit this LINK.
hello everybody I don’t know a single person that does not want to improve their body composition in say one aspect or another if you guys tune in today stay with us we’re going to bring you a firstof its kind very unique solution to body composition Improvement very different from The Fad yo-yo Style products of the past so we’re super excited to be here to talk about that with you today awesome I am Lisa and this is Dr Ryan Welcome to our Monday training where we teach you all about our amazing products and how they can help you increase your health spand um before we get started on our topic today if you haven’t already please like And subscribe to our Channel by clicking the link below clicking the button below and that way you don’t miss any of our trainings any new release products um and you can also leave us comments we love your feedback we’ love to hear what you have learned from our trainings awesome okay so our topic today guys this is our lean our body composition Improvement formula okay so let’s talk about body composition to start off because that’s the goal of this product um body composition is really the balance of your lean muscle mass and your fat Mass um of course there’s other factors like bone and whatnot involved but it’s really the the proper balance of your body composition is your fat Mass and lean lean muscle mass and an optimal body composition with somebody with an optimal body composition is someone that’s healthier someone that um it’s scientifically proven that that it increases their health span why because you become free of disease right or you know you eliminate your risk of disease certainly less likely to develop much less likely to to develop disease um so the goal with it you know if you want to think about like losing weight right we all talk about we want to lose weight weight is a number on the scale and say you’re losing weight on the scale you could really be losing muscle mass so you could be cheering yourself along giving yourself high fives but you could really be losing muscle and that’s not the goal right the goal is to maintain or increase that muscle mass which is that lean body mass and in turn that works in our favor guys it Inc naturally I mean you have a higher metabolism um your body is uh obviously a better body composition but it’s more metabolically um active more yeah certainly more resilient too right exactly so we don’t want to focus on weight loss we don’t ever want to talk about it as weight loss it’s a body composition Improvement formula again the goal is increasing that lean muscle mass decreasing that fat mass and sometimes because muscle weighs more than fat sometimes the number on the scale goes up but you have to understand what is going on in your body and that’s the goal that should be the goal all the time yeah absolutely abely and I mean look most people though are overweight or obese so we are probably talking about a net loss of weight and the rare occurrence there will be a game for people that super go all in super committed they start doing load bearing exercise some of the things we talked about three days a week they’re they’re doing cardi metabolic stuff all of a sudden boom five pounds you know of fat gone um you know they it’s great six pounds of muscle who knows I’m just saying you might gain a pound or two but you’re building such a better healthier more body body composition though that’s what all about guys yes love that so yeah so again the goal is not weight loss the goal is Improvement in body composition and that is what um Dr Ryan has designed lean to do and so many amazing ingredients in this product and uh Dr Ryan’s gonna go through all I think we should tear through them for sure let’s get into it and uh yeah go ahead well first no first I’m gonna list them all okay there’s a lot I’ll just read them all and then one by one Dr Ryan will go through might explain why six capsules 180 capsules in a bottle guys right big bottle a little big bottle Bott okay so there’s B12 there’s chromium there’s glucomin there’s berberine there’s green tea extract caralluma CLA lcarnitine s digestive enzymes Chad bug white kidney bean extract and hops extract so each one of these has been studied to help improve body composition and let’s go through them one by one it’s going to take some time in a vegetable capsule with organic rice holes yes all right so no mag sterate no silica yeah awesome super awesome standardized extracts all good stuff yeah but like like she said she there’s a lot of stuff in here guys so we had to move it into a capsule form like that and uh it would that helps us we’re GNA have to spread that out we’ll talk a lot about that today but let’s talk about yeah go yeah well before before I mean you can click the link in our description right below and it’ll take you straight to our website where you can purchase lean today yeah awesome okay cool let’s go cool let’s do it all right glucomin we know is a indigestible soluble fiber up to aund times it can absorb up to a 100 times its weight in water okay wow what what do you take what do you take away with that though when you think about that you need fluid please stay hydrated drink water we need you drinking water if you want to come if you want to start this product you must be consuming enough fluids that is imperative imperative so and I mean what’s a good rule with so like minimum is your body body weight and yeah minimum guys I’m 210 so 105 ounces a day is minimum right that’s a good goal and work you can work your way into it but again we’ll talk about a little bit about titration and how to how to move through uh everything we’re talking about too so uh one thing I really liked about glucomin though it’s been around for like forever I mean I think it was Asian cultures yeah Asian cultures for Millennia I mean it’s like we’re talking about thousands of years this this product has been used it’s a natural source product and um it ferments really nicely in the large intestine in the colon and produces some stri chain fatty um fatty acids and butc so butyric acid is one of them we probably heard of butter like it’s very beneficial um so there’s a lot of there’s a lot of great great stuff going on with fiber since most of us I don’t know the exact number but I’m telling you when I say most just do not get enough soluble fiber throughout the day it’s actually it’s a huge problem for societ it’s one of the main many contributing factors to our overweight and obese epidemic right and that’s so that’s the number the number one role of it is really to feel full right so look when it absorbs water it’s going to do a number of things and we’re going to get into this a little bit but it will slow down gastric motility so things will pass a little slower it will give off a sense of satiety it does have it does play a reverse feedback role too and triggers kind kind of the brain to think well well I’m not as full right so a lot of these things will will help you with Cravings right and and binge like going hard binge and eating so much and too much right we’ve always heard the advice like try to stop eating when you’re 80% full right but that’s kind of hard when you’re real hungry and you get in there and you eat real fast because it does take about 15 minutes for food to get through the stomach to the intestine to signal that hey you’ve been eating you should be good by now so there’s a lot of like timing components to this that’s another reason why we’ll say hey let’s do this before meals we’ve also heard like the device where you can take mixed nuts like almonds or or cashews or something 30 minutes or an hour or before eating to help that a little bit so you’re not and don’t go to grocery store starving right they say you spend more money and buy more junk food right so true awesome all right next up next you have our berberine Nature’s OIC guys so I you look whether you know about OIC or not it’s pretty popular because it’s have It’s s so impactful on the weight loss segment but they refer to ban As Natural syic not because it’s the exact same mechanism of action it’s actually slightly different but just because it does improved with insulin resistance pmic was originally developed as a diabetes anti-diabetes drug it’s be due to it effect on you know insulin res insulin release and lowering of blood sugar burine sort of has that same thing going on right it does improve and then there’s some studies that have shown that it clinically improves uh fasting blood sugar A1C which is your three-month average of blood sugar as well as postrenal which is your after meal uh blood sugar as well so why is that in there because insulin resistance is a huge part of weight gain uh and difficulty with weight loss because once you have that insulin resistance and that or that diabetes type specifically um you’re really at you really are at odds it’s a more difficult to lose weight according to the traditional methods right and so without having if your blood sugar is out of control right you have your high highs of it and your low lows so you’re eating something and it’s spiking and then it’s dropping um so you feel I mean it’s a short window where you feel satisfied you feel full and then drops again you want to think of like we want these Rolling Hills so anytime you do eat naturally your blood sugar is going to change um and depending on what you eat will depend on the level of changing it but bourine really helps with that so it helps us to have those little Rolling Hills so we don’t have these I call them Peaks and valleys right we don’t want Peaks we don’t want Peaks and valleys in our blood sugar so burine is great tool for that and who wait what about the benefits of cholesterol did you talk about that yeah canid parameters and there’s also some studies that have sign signified that there’s some improvements in blood pressure and I think a lot of it probably has to do with improve starting with the Improvement of insulin resistance where the rest of the metabolic Cascade starts to improve as well right if you lose if you start to lose weight if things start to improve metabolically then a lot of those other things the start to improve as well right right so cholesterol and blood pressure and certainly met yeah yeah yeah awesome what’s next okay green tea extract we all know what the green tea extract is all about but this one’s so so so key because it’s standardized to the egcg so the cakin most people ask when they see it they asked for it so it’s 50% standardized which is is awesome high in polyphenol so flavonoids which are antioxidants uh again really can help with the inflammation it can also help from a from a weight loss sort of uh metabolic perspective as well awesome another a great ingredient um this is one that many people probably haven’t heard of caruma oh awesome yes yes yes yes yes actually works on a hormonal pathway but native to India been used for again seriously a long long long time um can increase the release of grin and neuropeptide why there’s really two Pathways that signals grin’s a hunger hormone they call it the hunger hormone um so I always think of like grin like a gremlin you know Gremlins are makes me all think of it but we don’t want to have that hunger hormone no or like your stomach’s growling growl growling yeah there you go right um no it there’s a there’s a bunch of constituents in in in in there and uh you know there’s they’re active ingredients they’re flavonoids they’re bioactives I mean there’s a lot of things in there again just kind of use you like when you look at the studies and things that have been published on it there’s a lot of thing areas that it’s been researched in and and shown some benefit for but again a natural ingredient and has draft status It generally recogniz is safe which is something that we always like to look for when sourcing there’s a number of these ingredients that are grass status awesome yeah um okay then there’s CLA that’s conjugated right I want to make sure that we’re I think it’s you I think just oh man what’s up with these mics um can you guys hear me can you let see anybody can hear me well it looks like it’s reading it just keeps flipping back and forth F fine good job good okay awesome all right let’s move on so yeah okay so we did CLA El cartine we all pretty much familiar with enzyme blend I mean you’re talking about how many enzymes would you say seven um seven seven digestive enzy different enzymes awesome ones too ramalan pane but most of the you’ll see like the profile of enzymes is solid and we do list every single enzyme and the amounts the standardized amounts too so that’s super helpful for everybody as well so all right what’s next shade B gray oh my gosh if somebody can help us with it the way that we pronounce that um that would be helpful I mean because shotg is the way I’m going that’s what I’m going with again lots of a active constituents another very a natural ingredient sourced from Brazil um used for a very very very very long time um just a very impactful product I mean it’s got a lot of similarity to Coffee Bean in the sense that it looks like it they roasted the in similar methods they use it in the same way um so it’s been used ex again for weight loss for for a long time body composition acting on the metabolism help great yeah okay yeah can help and again guys uh let’s just really Circle back to metabolism a higher metabolism means just while you’re sleeping you’re burning more fat while you’re burning more using more calories you know your body you want a higher metabolism so your body is working for you all the time yeah it explains that Super Body motion stays in motion kind of thing right as you increase your metabolic rate you have more energy to do more work and so you can kind of keep that cycle going so right yeah awesome okay white kidney bean extract great for weight loss again it’s just another one of those key signature ingredients that we were able to get out to get to pull together and get a standardized extract and make it make it part of this product because a lot of a lot of people are missing just missing out on the fact that white kidney be extract actually has a lot of benefits for for weight loss and Metabolism right so awesome all right Co and big one hops extract oh boy all right guys let’s dig into this let’s dig into the Hops extract because I feel as though this is our secret weapon this is the big one this is the one where by the way it’s grass status so uh it’s New Zealand hops bitter hops extract there is a the again the drug Market craze that’s going on is all these gp1s well this bitter hops extract actually works on that glp1 receptor it is a natural Agonist of the glp1 nice yeah and look it’s real important it it does it triggers other things um but I don’t know if anybody’s ever heard of the concept of but when you consume it it there’s a a there’s a Cascade of events that follows the thing called bitter block I think it’s called bitter Block M yeah is it bitter block yeah bitter break oh bitter break there you go and so what it does it does is it it triggers within the within the the GI system release of these hormones and glp1 glucagon like peptide one increases insulin secretion so it can lower blood sugar and it increases the glucagon so by doing so you’re driving down blood sugar blood sugar and you’re also stimulating The gp1 receptors in the brain to say hey I have a feeling of satiety I’m full here’s the here’s what we’re going to get into the side effects and the recommendations about this because gp1s will indeed slow down the gastric Transit time that is this that is the amount of time that food is in our stomach moving through our GI system so when it slows it down it tells the brain again it tells everything that we’re full we don’t need to eat there are some some good and bad things that happen along with that though so we need to be cautious we do need to be cautious so the GP ones are highly effective highly highly effective um there there they’re acting on multiple kind of uh multifaceted approach um covering multi multiple enzymes and uh or sorry multiple hormones and there’s just a lot of benefit to to using them in a weight loss Journey for sure okay awesome so those are all the ingredients in our lean body composition Improvement formula um so a lot of what you have discussed you know we get the feeling of fullness um we have a decreased appetite so one of the most important things that you need to focus on during this to prevent losing muscle to prevent watching those numbers go down on the scale but taking that muscle too um is you need to make sure you’re eating adequate protein absolutely um so say you are counting um I don’t even want to say counting calories okay but you want to count your grams of protein a day you want to make sure if anything that you are reaching that goal so I always recommend that that goal is one pound um I mean sorry 1 oun of protein one gr one gram of protein thank you one gram of protein per pound of desired body weight or ideal body weight okay not if you’re weighing 200 lounds but you want to lose 60 you’re not going to eat 200 grams right you’re going to eat 104 you’re going to aim for 140 so if you can count your your grams of protein every single day you can check that off the list knowing that you are preserving that muscle Mass um while your appetite is suppressed and maybe that those excess calories that you’re not consuming come from me junk right you’re not having the sugar the crackers the chips um the this what whatever it is but you want to make sure you’re focusing on that protein and then getting in those lovely organic fruits and vegetables right that is the goal so it’s not this is not an excuse to eat like a a very poor diet um this is to help us along improve our body composition while we’re also doing things with our lifestyle improving our lifestyle goes along with that too you know exercise always going to be a proponent of that so no two calories are alike right except that it is it is a unit of measure so one calorie is one calorie but when but when you’re talking about different food sources for calories you just you just touched on a little bit you you have to be eating and especially now because what’s happening is potentially we’re going into a calorie deficit potentially again on an indiv individual level we don’t know exactly what you’re eating or how much you’re sleeping or what how much exercise you’re doing any of those things or even when you’re eating what types of foods you’re eating so there’s too many variables for us to say exactly what’s going to happen for you but if you’re in a calorie deficit and you don’t have the same hunger Hunger notification or hunger demand kind of triggers you have to know that when you’re eating the quality of the of the calorie matters so so so much so important and the protein of course matters because if we stay in calorie deficit we’re seeing it a lot with these weight loss Med you’re losing your fat Mass but you’re losing your lean sceletal muscle mass you’re losing your connective tissue you’re losing your bone density there’s a lot of problems that will come it will arise if we’re not focused on the quality of the nutrients that we’re putting in our body when we do eat so this product is designed to help us improve body composition it can only do that if you commit to putting in healthier foods and there’s another other lifestyle elements that we want to add to that as well but that guys is so critical right and we have many other supplements um that will help along the way so first um you want to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients that your body needs so to cover those bases you know we have our multivitamin our magnesium and our vitamin D3 that is our daily Essentials pack remember if you’re not needing eating as much food you’re potentially changing the gut environment slightly so you might not be absorbing the nutrients as much as well think about it guys the food is just it’s not sitting in the same way is in a is a totally natural state it’s not so we need to make sure that we’re enhancing it like this say yes so getting your daily Essentials packed um and then we also have our two kinds of protein powders right we have our our vegan protein powder and our whey isolate protein powder both of those 20 grams of protein per serving that can really help you again what I talked about that protein goal that can help you um reach that protein goal much easier for sure um without also that feeling of fullness because each one has 100 to 106 calories per serving so that’s very easy to do um very big is our essential aminos um really help to preserve lean muscle mass muscle synthesis so it triggers the body to muscle make Muscle proteins right so even if you’re like in a fasted State being able to take essential aminos can help preserve that muscle mass so very important to take those I mean I I suest one to two times a day um but you’ve got to make sure you’re taking those every day and we have other things too our collagen peptides absolutely again it’s a unique protein structure great yep absolutely and our creatine creatine for sure body composition so improves the water uh composition of the muscle cell and remember what we said stay hydrated definitely add creatine though that for sure yeah so again that’s just making sure you’re covering on your basis right you’re you’re taking your lean your body composition Improvement formula but then you’re covering your bases making sure you’re getting the nutrients that you need making sure you’re getting the protein that you need to help preserve that that lean muscle mass um and yeah awesome I think yes yeah it is exciting all right cool let’s throw down a couple of things be before we go I just want to list off a few so guys we know that we said we okay a we’re to a healthier lifestyle that’s number one we’re going to stay hydrated because the water is so important especially when we’re talking about consuming more fiber and especially like this fiber this glucomin will absorb 100 times its weight in water so important if you’re adding creatine again we need the water for osmosis into the cell so really important stuff maxing out our protein intake or using aminos to increase muscle protein synthesis is clutch stop snacking if possible which maybe again it’s like the gp1 this can help because it can cut those cravings and those snacking and that’s a big thing that’s a huge thing as well yeah the Mindless eating out the Mindless eating eat with intention eat with purpose totally use caffeine to your advantage um I always say use it early no later than 10 or 1100 a.m. but you find that in our coffee or you find that in our E3 which is a great thermogenic and can increase your metabolic rate you know transiently temp temporarily right of course optimizing your sleep we always talk about it including the natural environment into your day every day going out for a walk after meals if possible and establish a routine we love routine so yes create this routine with your supplements all right side effects things we need to talk about things we need to watch out for okay no pregnancy no children um we are potentially slowing down the gut Transit time the gut motility so we need to watch out for malabsorption type issues that’s why we just said let’s get our nutrients in nutrient-dense Foods uh eat things that are healthy and good for you um please that that would be hugely impactful trust me um we are altering the the stomach environment again so same holds true for certain medications there are some things that have to obviously meds that are taken orally absorb very similar to food guys so now we need to watch out and make sure that if we’re taking anti-coagulants or we’re affecting our absorption of those in any way blood pressure meds things of that nature so make note um if you are going to start this of course you’re you should always consult with your medical provider if you’re concerned about anything but you also can monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor your blood sugar monitor your blood pressure you should always have a home blood pressure monitor um let your provider know that you’re using this and see how it goes I I recommend a titration schedule I don’t so here’s the deal it’s 180 capsules taking two capsules 30 minutes to 1 hour prior to each of your three meals if you’re not a three meal person you can still take it on anti stomach but again we’re just trying to get that water in water water with it um don’t I don’t suggest coming out of the gate though to her be right before meal unless you’re somebody like me that you really could just go for it and try it and I do I but that’s the Side Story right well and if your gut is more if you know that you’re more sensitive there’s I mean I am so I I if you know that no matter what you take you always have that possible side effect right start slow as what I was saying just maybe what what you say one well I’d say one before each meal or one before two meals a day so maybe maybe you start with two capsules a day and then you work your way up to four and then we get to six you know and we stay on this program we monitor this program we’re watching you know what are we looking for right you know we’re looking for improvement of body composition so um is this something that you can stay on yes okay yeah you can stay on but guys I mean that’s not the idea in life we don’t want necessarily to have to use a crutch everywhere we go so let’s try to find a way to get to point where we’ve reached our ideal body weight our body composition and we’re doing the things and feeling good and have the motility the mobility and the different the strength and the different things that we’re looking for in life because then you work on maintenance then you work on maintenance and that’s just your routine that’s your life that’s what you do so um okay real quick uh gastrointestinal distress of course can happen now we’re talking about adding fiber we’re adding different different ingredients things that are slowing into stomach so there may be bloating there may be flatulence there may be um some cramping um could cause some constipation or another one could be diarrhea um so you really have to just like I said it starts slow tirate slow start low go slow um and let’s see how it feels right I mean work your way through it you can always back off and then reintroduce and so just be very cognitive of that that’s what i’ say to that right and obviously when when you would see results is very unique to the person right so example those Peaks and valleys I was talking about with blood sugar if you’re one of those that has those Peaks and valleys you’re probably going to notice a change much sooner right because it’s really working out to stabilize your blood sugar but if you already have pretty balanced blood sugar it might take a little longer for you to see something or feel something different so again it’s very very individual um can we talk about price yeah go ahead that’s all you so price guys which is amazing uh for our members it’s $1 1995 which is pretty crazy 30-day supply of irene1 1995 and if you’re not a member and you want to purchase at retail $27.95 both prices on unbelievably low bringing you highest quality lowest prices that’s what live Good’s about for sure and about our membership if you want to be be a member you just join upon purchasing it’s 9.95 a month and gets you access to Our member pricing so right there you’re seeing the savings right this is $ or sorry if you’re not a member it’s $8 more and then you’re thinking $9.95 a month and you’re going to buy a few things well worth your investment well worth your investment um is there any questions no it’s actually slow to respond so hopefully we’re okay yeah it’s like a delayed thing um okay so any questions oh it going yeah we covered I think you know I did see some earlier I tried to make sure we covered them okay good awesome awesome so any further questions guys you can always email myself or Ryan lisli good.com and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can if anything’s medication related I will U refer those to Ryan I’ll communicate with him and get the questions answered and get back to you um if you have not like I said you can order lean Now by clicking on our website in the description the link in the and if you missed our training on our essential aminos and want to learn about that and how it can really help you in in conjunction with taking lean just make sure you click on the video now about it okay guys until next time thanks for tuning in bye guys bye