The surprising benefits of LiveGood Collagen Peptides

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is the glue that holds everything together. Collagen makes up our hair, skin, nails, bone, teeth, eyes, connective tissue, organs, gut lining and cartilage. Unfortunately, we start losing collagen in our 20s, and on top of that, certain stressors further deplete our bodies of collagen, so we must supplement.Learn what makes the LiveGood Collagen Peptides unique and superior to the others on the market.Be sure to check it out today.

Video Transcript

all right I am so excited you guys have joined us today because we have an awesome topic and really it’s not just about beauty right Ryan no it’s not absolutely just about beauty even though we are talking about collagen which is known for its its vanity and its beauty department but it’s involved in a lot of other things we’re going to talk about those today for sure yes so welcome to our Monday training where you will learn how our life-changing products can help you increase your health span I’m Lisa and this is Dr Ryan and today we’re here to talk to you all about our collagen um so collagen is the most abundant protein in the body a lot of times people think of it as your hair your skin your nails and maybe it’s just for females that’s not true so we’re going to tell you all about what collagen is involved in why our collagen is so special um and why everybody should be taking it right absolutely uh yeah so it’s not just like you said hair skin nails uh it’s teeth it’s eyes it’s the joint space it’s cartilage it there’s all these different areas of the body it’s arteries it’s your vascular vasculature so when we start talking about like aging gracefully and the earliest signs of aging are you know a lot of times muscle loss and and prematuration of the skin which is typically like sagginess you start to see it in the face usually you’ll lose elasticity um that is all fine and dandy and true right like that’s kind of but on the inside is what I really wanted to focus on today I want to drive home the fact that cartilage or sorry collagen is also so present in our arteries and as we age one of the contributors major major contributors of disease is the fact that Our arteries get more narrow and they get stiff right and they get stiff exactly so to go along with that so in our we start to lose collagen as we age it’s not just age um but there there’s other factors that I’ll get to but it really happens it becomes apparent in our 20s and 30s sorry I should say 30s comes apparent around our 30s and 30s and 40s and really when we we see that visually we’ll see those maybe the little um Pros feet we’ll start to see little wrinkles maybe a little bit more Hollow under the eyes little crepiness in the skin that Ryan was talking about but that’s just what we’re seeing visually on the outside you have no idea what that collagen depletion is doing on the inside and that’s where we really want to hit home I mean everybody loves to decrease wrinkles and have their hair grow and their nails grow and their eyelashes all that great stuff but it’s most important about what’s going on inside our body Ryan was talking about arteries it also is in the gut lining I mean there’s collagen is involved in so much and we start to lose it in our 20s about 1% per year so I mean by the time you’re 50 years old you’ve lost 25% of your collagen so if you’re not supplement supplementing with it guys so many things areen happening um I mean wrinkled skin sagging skin brown spots um brittle hair gut issues leaky gut here you go okay okay sorry about that and we’re back um so yeah so leaky gut bone fractures joint pain I mean there’s so much uh that goes into or that so much that is involved in the body when you are deficient in collagen bet so supplementing it is huge and there’s many different forms of collagen out there actually believe there’s 28 different uh types of collagen um not all of them are as dominant as others and Ryan’s going to go into detail with you what types of collagen we have chose for our Pro I mean our collagen peptides um as well as some other special things that we’ve added too so big question is you know the type types how many types are we saying n there’s 29 I think 28 29 types of collagen and there’s really and being okay Lisa said it’s the most common protein in the body it is it is so over 30% of our body I believe is collagen something to that effect but what types are most important is is really a big discussion but you know it’s to me it’s pretty clear right so type one makes up over 90% of your of your collagen so you can Source from Bine so from from cows the type one and three and when you look at other sources and for other types of collagen you know you have uh chicken carage you have fish you have some other unique ones there’s eggshell there’s some different things right um but ultimately you want we want as humans right you want to match our mamalian characteristics right and that’s where the bovine is really Superior it it has such the key to collagen is its unique amino acid sequence it’s a triple helix like I I know I joke before about this but you in high school you probably learned about the double helix of DNA well collagen has a very unique structure to it and it’s a helical structure and it’s a triple helix and but it’s specifically the amino acid composition that makes it unique and very different from other proteins and so again we find that best match for humans in our Bine sources okay types one and three so and we hydrolized it so it has to be hydrolized because bovine collagen as a large mole is a large molecule typically wouldn’t be well broken down and absorbed so we’ve gone with a hydroly which just means it’s a shorter segment it’s a peptide it’s a shorter shorter protein so that’s why that’s why guys that’s it I mean ultimately that’s what you want you you want those type one you type three and then when you start asking questions about like well I’ve heard there’s benefit of this other type for such and such for joint health well yes of course but here’s what we’ve done in livg good so we looked at the studies the clinical research and said we want type 1 and three we know we want want that collagen but because we don’t want to just fill it with a bunch of multic Collen complex and say this is the best allaround thing no no we want to give that would be almost like a little bit of that would have been like a little bit yeah a little bit of this a little bit of that and then I don’t like that concept I’m very much on clinical and evidence-based so some of these other ingredients we chose the they actually are all patented ingredients for the most part they’re actually one hyaluronic acid’s not but the other ones are patented ingredients and when we go through those today you’ll hear about how incredibly powerful they are well studied well documented and how benefit they are for those other things that people are looking for help with namely joint health right and they’re really FOC people like collagen joint collagen cartilage I need my Mobility that’s kind of like what I think I hear a lot of you know what I mean definitely and you know just another added benefit of it is the you know the fact that it is protein right it’s 10 grams of protein ours ours has 10 grams of protein 11 no 11 grams of peptides 10 grams of protein um so it helps with muscle it helps increase muscle mass decrease fat just adding to it I do agree but we don’t count car we don’t count because remember it’s a unique as amuno acid composition so we won’t count collagen towards our protein right but it still helps kind of helps to replace the lean um muscle mass it does that we need which therefore decreases fat Mass so great part of a you know healthy balanced weight loss um program for sure um real quick guys if you haven’t already please like And subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss topics like this um intro uh new releases for our new products as well as just any of our educational videos and we like your comments we like your feedback and we want to know what you took away from this and also in the description there’s a link that could take you directly to our uh college and peptides on our website and make sure you click on that learn more section as well you can learn all you need to know about college peptides awesome all right cool um Okay so we’ve talked about those type one we have type one and type three in here um the most dominant the most studied uh types of collagen yes um and also both you know Source from Bine the reason as Ryan said we chose those is because of the most most dominant forms but it’s also from the single Source that’s more uh related to our body structure yep for sure um okay and since it’s Bon it is grass-fed for sure pasture raised and then grass finished right as well which is awesome you tested tested all the way through yes um and also in addition to all that yes there are three patented ingredients which really help this collagen stand apart because there are tons of collagens out there on the market uh velocit yeah let’s start with pool and a preflex okay veloc awesome for joint support incredible so what it actually does is increases un the amino acid uptake of amino acids which again that’s the goal so once we consume collagen it breaks down in the amino acids and those unique they get absorbed and the the studies that they have demonstrated somewhere has like increased by 60% utilization of the amino acids nice and it does kick in muscle protein synthesis that’s what Lisa was saying about lean muscle mass that’s really one of the reasons why we’re so focused on protein and and amino acids because of that muscle protein synthesis that’s what helps us keep and maintain our lean muscle mass and keeps us more pliable and keeps our muscle tissues healthy right just ultimately feeling good oh my gosh yeah okay solid really solid ingredient for um it’s Chrome it’s it’s it’s a mop pectin with chromium okay if that matters to people but you that ultimately that’s a solid ingredient for joint uh joint support for sure awesome okay and polyol oh awesome polyol is a sugarcane derivative which I know you get a lot of questions on whether it’s sugar yes yep do you want to answer that there are no sugars so if you read on the back it says sugar cane extract um and that’s from the the polyol there is no added sugars in that it is just the extract which is what pool is and pool wow what an incredible wide range of benefits pool has I mean it first of all the the kind of the idea with collagen and elastin is that we want to slow the breakdown we want to slow down the degradation so like of course you know things like watch out for excess sunlight sunburn right we’ll talk about a little bit the stressors and the things that today to do to look for but it does inhibit collagenase and elastase so those are the two enzymes responsible for breaking down collagen and lasting and so that is awesome now we’re talk we talking about we want to supplement build back give the body what it needs to increase its collagen production but we really ultimately want to focus on slowing down the breakdown and degradation same concept we talk about with cartilage and joint space and joint health right right slow down the breakdown but it’s a potent anti-inflammatory it’s an antioxidant has all these other benefits it even inhibits Cox the Cox enzyme which is what heal cell so a massively successful sort of anti-inflammatory works but like it doesn’t you know it doesn’t in a similar manner which is super cool but a lot of benefits I mean it has he heart protection heart health it works on the angio well I guess a enzyme for those out there that know blood pressure meds but the ace enzyme um you know and it just it’s an incredible well-rounded ingredient so I think uh very very happy to have that awesome yes so again the type one and type two I mean sorry type one and type three collagen peptides velocit pool and then one more is a preflex oh preflex b s so we have a standardized extract of Basia boswelia is a man it’s a tree that’s grown in India it’s been used in ayurvedic medicine for like Millennia like thousands of years and really potent in a lot of ways but again standardized to the akba that’s the extract that you’re looking for in bosia um using this branded ingredient we know that we have Sol we have good sourcing we know that uh their quality assurance in their their entire program of harvesting is sustainable it’s ethical uh and again with these patent ingredients you get to use their studies so they studied these in human subjects and published their literature which is really compelling all the benefits that that it has so a lot of anti-inflammatory a lot of collagen joint Mobility protection things going on there for sure awesome and that’s these three ingredients is what really sets our livegood collagen peptides apart from the rest yeah um there’s also holonic acid yes okay which is very important combination with collagen pep mhm um you want to say anything about it go ahead what slows down the breakdown of cartilage okay people tend with cartilage again go on the joints but people tend to wait too long to think about it because there’s really no nerves in the cartilage so they’re not really being told oh this is getting uncomfortable until it’s too late yeah and then so uh hyaluronic acid very very important um to slow down the breakdown of carage right and you know a lot of times I I know I mean I what I think of honic acid I think of for your skin so just showing that there is so many other benefits that we don’t visually see yeah um so it’s actually a common question Ryan that I get and it’s about the vitamin C say you don’t have vitamin C in your collagen peptides but I’ve been told that I need to take Vitamin C with collagen otherwise I guess it’s a co-actor right so if without the vitamin C Abol it’s not going to work as yeah you absolutely need Vitamin C for collagen production but I do not I’m not a fan I’m not an advocate of having vitamin C in the product first of all collagen is sort of pH neutral we’ll talk about that with the way that we we formulated this as powder versus liquid but it’s pH neutral right and when you talk about vitamin C as either ascorbic acid or natural forms it does have a lower pH and it also tends to oxidize so I wouldn’t want it in my package and I especially wouldn’t want it to and for fear of it oxidizing and altering the ph and potentially degr degrading the active collagen peptides right but you do need it and you absolutely want to get that out of your food right as well as other or you know multivitamin you are good bioactive complete multivitamin the vitamin c in there so it’s again it doesn’t have to so correct me if I’m wrong but it doesn’t have to be taken at the same time it has to be in your body have to have a bun vitamin C correct awesome um okay just forget where I just go over oh yeah no well you had just let into it about why we chose the powder versus a liquid form so you kind of tapped it in a little bit Yeah and I’d love to go into that real quick so when we have this powder how do we how do we consume what do we do before we consume it right we we do this we put it in in solution we make it an aquous mixture that’s exactly what we do we mix it with water or mix it into a favorite beverage here’s the two facts powder dosage forms are the most stable of anything that’s why the pharmaceutical companies that’s why diet companies you they transfer they um with powder powder is the is the currency basically and then what you do with it into a finished product is kind of up to you but powder stable however powder and anything really tablets capsules gel caps anything has to go into solution has to be like an aquous mixture in the stomach in order to be absorbed it won’t do anything as a dry powder all the way through right so yes ultimately I do like liquid forms but as a per your own mixing because if you’re buying something that is done up for you in solution I worry about a number of things I worry about a the stability right so how are you protecting the Cen in this example from breaking down over time so again the shelf life and then B is the contamination so water is highly highly prone to contamination from mold mil de uh bacteria so that that bacterial contamination is a is a real risk now companies tend to try to stabilize the liquid you know with like again with preservatives but it’s really aim the preservatives are really aimed at preventing that bacterial contamination and by doing so they tend to down that pH and again that would be an issue for something that’s sort of pH neutral like collagen so but again going back to like the preservatives I mean preservatives and then a lot of carrier solubilizers there’s definitely a lot more chemicals and ingredients that you really offer no physiological benefit but just to make it stay in liquid but just to make it stay in liquid so guys please let’s get beyond the powder liquid argument and stop thinking that somehow the liquid prep stuff that’s in packaged liquid is is better for you it’s just flat out not true right love it yeah um this collag and peptides our lovely liveg good collag and peptides guys it’s only $27.95 for members so 30 servings that’s less than a dollar a serving I mean pretty amazing because I a lot of collagens on the market are you know pretty expensive um just had to throw that in there as we’re talking about all the Perils of our lovely collagen um so you did go into a little bit we talked about things well we said that age start to lose colagen production as you age but there’s some other things that actually affect it Ryan briefly mentioned um sun exposure too much sun exposure stress nutrient deficiencies um certain chronic de diseases excess sugar oh yeah like all of these things guys all of these things we’re doing to ourselves can further deplete College of from our bodies so we can’t prevent age but there’s a lot of the others that we can prevent but regardless as we’re aging as I said 1% starts in our 20s we start to lose 1% of collagen per year you’ve got to sub you have to supplement with it you have to awesome yeah and so the the stressors that brings my mind to pool so that remember that sugarcane extract we just talked about it’s actually really what’s given this it’s Rich color in bioflavonoids polyphenols I mean those are the antioxidants but and that’s your natural that’s not flavored that’s not anything it’s natural color it’s it’s awesome actually has a very light tea flavor but very very light which is very different color than most colleages those are like you know um but the polyol has UV protection built in it also has plays an impact on the melanin production so when you’re talking about dark spots and skin and so yeah pool is good for that as well so but alcohol uh lack of restorative sleep right I don’t know if you mentioned that no um smoking of course I mean guys that’s pretty obvious right for smoking we know it’s whooping our collagen’s butt yeah um yeah so there’s a lot of things you know look just aging and just having the the the the normal course of living but ultimately we ultimate we know that there’s more benefits besides just the health and beauty yeah besides what you see on the surface okay it’s really so important what goes on inside the body um so along with the color Ryan said it has a little light tea flavor it does but it can easily be mixed in anything um I throw it in my smoothies I mix it again for I like to take two doses a day I mix it again the afternoon with my super Reds um so yeah very very very versatile um you can put it in your coffee whatever works best for you or and drinking it plain it really is nice good flavors let’s talk about best way to use it so I think the first like you know 30 60 90 days I know you could do but you could do really double dose like a loading phase kind of of it right you could easily do 20 to 30 grams of collagen peptides a day uh no problem whatsoever I drink it in sometimes before bed there’s nothing in there that would cause you to be stimulated right Dairy I mean it’s not dairy free is it no it’s um gluten soy free non GMO keto friendly right I mean it’s it’s dairy free but it’s not vegan oh there we go that’s what I was looking for thank you yeah yeah yeah um okay so when you’re talking about mixing it um I had a great question for you no yeah I mean but more than once a day is fine absolutely so you say the loading dose yeah um can that be maintained do does it have to be a loading dose or can you take you know two to three servings of this on a regular basis oh I do yeah I think you can do that indefinitely it’s just a function of what are people willing to do what do they want to do you know what’s the program they’re signing up for and what do they you know what do they expect so I think ultimately you get more out of it if you’re doing two two servings per day yes um because again you’re you’re getting you’re supplying your body with these really important unique amino acids and especially if you have those side effects that you start to see or feel um that you’re you know deficient in collagen um we didn’t hit heavy on the gut oh sure it is like our gut lining is made of collagen so as we lose collagen our body I think you know many people have heard of the term leaky gut but really is like the little tight junctions in your gut lining start to open okay they’re not or they’re not as tight and and then food substit substances leak out so a lot of times we have these um uh food intolerances a lot of times that’s just what’s going on you have the permeability in your gut lining and food sources are getting out your body’s kind of attacking it so it goes in this whole inflammatory cycle College really helps heal the gut lining very very very important there and I think everybody can use a little bit of that yeah actually so talking about some of the studies I meant to mention this about the preflex the boswellia there was the the studies done by the company that came out with the preflex monitor a lot of clinical markers um HS uh CRP which is which is one and then hold I have a note here mm mmp3 so and they’re both very very much part of like inflammatory markers and so they both improved substantially St one yeah just by yeah just with the prefx but statistically significant Improvement in those in both of those markers so very cool yeah exactly it is cool awesome so again $27.95 for uh members if you’re not a member retail price $34.95 still an outstanding price so you cannot go wrong um great other th other things to mix it with like I said in a shake you can put it with one of our protein powders so if you haven’t learned about our newest release of our whey protein just use the video uh link up here and then you can learn all about that mixing them together guys is so easy so delicious how to get it all in one cool all right um I just saw few things coming in I figured I would try to answer a few but I think we covered them all awesome yeah yeah and time of day was a question about dosing yeah I mean time and D really it it that the fact that there’s nothing in it that would prevent you from taking it before bed it doesn’t matter take it whenever you can again my first dose is with my smoothie in the morning my second dose is with my super Reds in the afternoon that’s what works for me you figure out what works you for you that’s it all right well thank you very much for joining us today and until next

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